Community Development - Sebastopol
Spotlight on Sebastopol
Spotlight on Sebastopol (SOS) is a $5 Million investment by the State Government into our suburb, delivering widespread upgrades to the place we call home: better greenspaces, improved streetscapes, and new community facilities to name a few.
Because we connect directly with the Sebastopol Community, we are leading several SOS initiatives. Projects which give you a chance to be involved in the future of the 'Burra'.

Connecting Sebastopol
It's an exciting time for The Burra, and your voice has never been more important. A Sebastopol Community Meet-Up group has begun gathering regularly to connect, collaborate, share ideas and advocate for our suburb. Representatives from a range of local organisations and businesses as well as residents attend, all passionate about our Burra.
We have a new Connecting Sebastopol website promoting all things local and you can stay connected via the Connecting Sebastopol Facebook page. The Sebastopol Community Newsletter is the centre piece of the Connecting Sebastopol project.
If you have questions or feedback, would like to submit content for the newsletter, want to ensure your business is featured in the online directory, want to tell a great yarn about your local experience, or you're passionate about advocacy and would like to be part of the Community Association, GET IN TOUCH!
Contact the Community Development team at
Discovering Historic Sebastopol
Sebastopol is arguably the richest source of Ballarat's gold rush history. Partnering with the Sebastopol Historical Society, this project highlights a range of significant historical sites and create a documented walking route.
As you walk around Sebastopol look out for the 10 Historic Signs detailing the important historical information for each site. Once completed the project will feature on the City of Ballarat's Historic Urban Landscapes (HUL) pages. Click here to find out more.
Public Art Initiatives
There are four public art initiaives being coordinated by the Ballarat Neighbourhood Centre Team. These include the:
- tram mural on the Royal Mail Hotel
- Indigenous art on the ArtBox and Our Garden Totem Poles
- Arthur Jenkins Gold Mine Map replica
- street art by CaxOne on the Totally Workwear wall in Albert St.
Sebastopol Community Garden
This exciting community space in Spencer St is being designed and built from scratch. Head over to the the Sebastopol Community Garden page to find out more.